The Society for Universal Oneness brings together people of the world in an endeavor to create a better future.
You are invited to join the team. Be part of a revolution for peace and making the planet a better place to be, by engaging yourself in a meaningful professional activity and lifestyle.
The Society for Universal Oneness (SFUO) is a non-profit organization, which would eventually have presence all over the globe. SFUO is currently incorporated in the State of North Carolina, USA. The model of SFUO operation is to organize the resource of volunteers from all over the globe and tap them to come forward towards making the world a better place. Many of such great efforts are currently being pursued at local and a few a global levels, under the guidance and leadership of wonderful people. SFUO would network them on a Universal basis, so that the synergy and potential of experience can be shared and enhanced. Gradually moving forward with this kind of networking, SFUO would encourage and promote setting up of futurecity. While SFUO would set up one futurecity as a flagship, the model shall be replicated across the globe by network channels. At the core of SFUO is Global Integration, which shall ultimately be achieved by efforts of all of us. Within itself, each futurecity operates as an independent business model.
SFUO shall constitute ‘Awards and Contests for Peace’ on a global basis that would honor and appreciate the efforts towards creation of peace on the planet. Endeavors such as protection of the environment, leadership in promotion of education for inter-faith tolerance, peace initiatives at local, regional, national and global levels, media initiatives for reporting and projecting peace projects, integrating families, creating interdependence and the like would be recognized. All SFUO members would be entitled to make nominations for awards. If you are a SFUO member and would like to make a nomination, simply send an e-mail to [email protected] quoting your UIN issued by SFUO in the following format:
– Who is being nominated and why, stating details of the initiative, effort, leadership role and endeavor?
– Why you consider this endeavor to be a prominent one and how would it promote peace on the planet?
– How would this award help in promotion of the effort and cause for which it is being made?
– Time-frames for execution, plans, and success of results obtained so far with the initiative or effort proposed for award (enclose all supporting material like project reports, press releases, grants obtained, proposals made at local, regional, national or international levels).
– Any other awards or recommendations etc?
– Proposed citation: (less than twenty words)
– Proposed title for award:
– One page synopsis for Press Release
– Contact details: Nominee’s name, contact address, telephone numbers, e-mail address, affiliations, SFUO membership number (UIN) etc.
– Nominator’s Contact details: Your name, address, telephone numbers, e-mail address, affiliations, SFUO membership number (UIN)
– Contact details for a minimum of three and a maximum of five referees who can be contacted (name, address, telephone numbers, e-mail address, affiliations, SFUO membership number) and are able to make a recommendations in favor of the nominee in a timely manner. These are highly respected and qualified people in their respective fields who are familiar with work of the nominee. If required, SFUO may contact them to obtain recommendations.
– Any other details not covered above, that are relevant to the decision making process.
– Each nomination must be accompanied by a $50 processing fee. The processing fee includes a certificate of nomination, that is suitable for framing and is issued after the awards ceremony to all nominees. Additional certificates can be obtained for $25 each. These certificates would be suitable for framing.
– Leader of the Universe Award nominations are to be accompanied by an essay on ‘Vision for Future of the World.’
The categories for annual awards starting are:
- Star of the Universe
- Entrepreneur of the Universe
- Enterprise of the Universe
- Leader of the Universe
- Child of the Universe
- Hero of the Universe
- Book of the Universe
- Picture of the Universe
- Peacemaker of the Universe
- Student of the Universe
- Researcher of the Universe
- Inventor of the Universe
- Journalist of the Universe
- Film of the Universe
- Best Peace Effort of the Universe
Additional award categories may be added subsequently.
- To encourage people and intellectuals to come forward and participate in the political process to achieve global peace and harmony.
- To develop and promote a universal curriculum in inter-faith tolerance, peace and harmony. To distribute this curriculum for implementation across all the schools of the world, so that people can see humanity beyond religion.
- To ensure an infrastructure of appropriate education and basic health-care for all the children of the world. This would be achieved by use of modern technology and promotion of integrated living. Involvement of local communities and governments would be sought towards fulfillment of this objective.
- To create a World free of horror by eradication of terrorism from the Universe. This would be achieved by providing adequate opportunity for education, growth and development to citizens of the universe. In addition, modern technology would be applied to issue global identification cards to everyone and subsequently track them. Basic needs of food, shelter and education shall be provided for everyone to set the base for creation of interdependence. Governments and local bodies shall be involved in achievement of these objectives.
- To promote the concept of One World, One Currency, One Peace Keeping Army and One Common Language as a platform for communication and global standardization of Driving practice.
- To promote the protection of Environment by whatever means possible- recycling, use of technology and involvement of local communities.
- To create and promote business enterprises in areas related to development of solar energy, wind power, hydro-power and preservation of the earth’s bio-sphere.
- To offer education and training in the concept of ‘integrated living’. This shall be done by training volunteers who can conduct classes in this area.
- To identify and recognize efforts of individuals, societies, organizations, business enterprises and nations, who are involved in the process of creating a better world.
- To develop and research into the areas of medicine, science and technology and work towards an integration of traditional healing techniques of diverse and ancient cultures with the modern to create new paradigms. To bridge the gap between the physical and the metaphysical.
- To identify new areas for research and development and flexibly integrate new concepts with the old to create meaningful and workable solutions for problems facing the World.
- To research into and create new concepts in sports and entertainment which promote cooperation, peace, love, harmony and joy.
- To identify and bring under one umbrella all sincere efforts and initiatives for peace, global unity, promotion of harmony, technology for peace, science for humanity and medical practice endeavors to reap the synergy of unison to mission.
- To take initiative in inter-action with heads of state and political forces to end wars, lift bans on supply of essential life survival drugs, achieve nuclear disarmament and seek co-operation in matters related to eradication of terrorism.
- To identify suitable promoters of peace in all communities and network them to initiate family exchange programs, under which family in one community can host a family from another community from across the globe. This would develop a deeper understanding and tolerance among cultures and societies.
- To facilitate the process of adoption and foster-parent sponsorship on a global basis. To help in identification of those in dire need of help and provide all possible care. To facilitate the process of adoption of old and infirm by volunteer network, in order to provide them an affectionate and loving environment.
- To identify and tap the idle resources to engage those in a meaningful manner for creating a better world, by a process of creative visualization. The unused grants of governments and scientific institutions are examples of financial resources available. Vacation times and idle hours of children, potential of unemployed masses and their brain-power are examples of physical mechanics. Untapped solar, wind, hydro and other natural forms of energy are examples of nature mechanics, among several others. All these and much more shall be converted to opportunities and inputs for growth and development. with sole objective of making the world a better place.
Nominations for efforts of peace for current year Awards or Contests in any of the above categories must be submitted (postmarked) by July 31 of the current year to SFUO. Each award nomination must be accompanied by the award nomination fee in form of a check drawn on a US bank for US $ 50. Each contest entry must be accompanied by the contest entry fee in form of a check drawn on a US bank for US $ 40. Entries not selected for award would not be returned and all entries shall become the property of SFUO. All contest entries must be accompanied by a signed cover sheet by the contestant claiming the work to be their original and a no-objection statement that allows SFUO to use their creation for the promotion of peace endeavors. Any of the submitted materials may be used by SFUO in its endeavors to promote peace on the planet. All contest entries must include name, contact information and age declaration of the participant. The award nominators have to be members of SFUO. However, contest entries can also be submitted by non-members. If the contest participants are SFUO members themselves, the contest entry fee for them is reduced to half (they pay only $20 per entry). Nominations and Contest entries can be mailed to:
Society for Universal Oneness
100 Ayers Way
Chapel Hill, NC 27517-2362,
- Images of Life – A photo contest where black and white or color photographs may be submitted for selection under following categories: Relations: the theme depicts human and nature relationships. Family: the theme depicts an expression of emotions. Connections: the theme depicts something that is beyond the conception of humans. Friends: the theme depicts relations between humans or humans and other life forms. Flowers: the theme depicts nature from buds to blooms. Nature: the theme depicts unleashed imagination capturing nature in its various moods. People: the theme depicts humanity is its various hues and forms. Events: the theme depicts any significant event that is captured by the eye of the camera. Who am I: the theme depicts something beyond imagination, in search of identity. Life as usual: the theme depicts the routine of living captures in its various moments. More categories may be added later.
- Story of the Universe – A story that is complete and focuses on any theme that can contribute towards creating peace, love, joy, harmony or inter-faith tolerance on the planet. There are different author age categories and awards shall be selected under each category. All submitted stories may be considered for publication by Timeless Values. People for People: Author can be of any age. Toddlers for Toddlers: Upper Age Limit for Authors is 7 years. Kids for Kids: Author Upper age limit is 10 years. Adolescents of the World: Upper age limit is 15 years Teens of the World: Author Upper age limit is 19 years. Young hope of the World: Author Upper age limit is 25 years. Hope of the World: Author Upper age limit is 30 years.
- Artist of the Universe – Art forms (sketches, paintings, drawings in any shape or size with maximum dimensions not exceeding 18” X 24” can be submitted on any theme that promotes peace, harmony, love and joy. Different categories shall be decided for artwork depending on the types of entries received under different age classifications: 1 to 3 years, 4 to 6 years, 7 to 9 years, 10 to 12 years, 13 to 15 years, 16 to 18 years, 19 to 21 years, 22 to 30 years, Adults, Seniors: 50 plus, Veteran: 70 plus
- Poet of the Universe
Any entries can be submitted under this category that are in tune with the promotion of love, joy, harmony and peace on the planet. Selected entries may be considered for publication in appropriate media by Timeless Values.
BARBARA THIELE – first citizen of the united world
Born on March 19, 1976, to Marita and Hans-Michael Thiele, Barbara grew up in Werne, Germany. She was a very friendly and affectionate girl, who liked looking after her younger brother, to whom she stayed deeply connected throughout her life. At school, Barbara was very successful, her favorite subjects being languages such as Latin, English, and French, but music was always in first place, and most of all she loved playing the violin. She practiced up to 5 hours a day, though her parents never pushed her to do so. Violinist Itzhak Perlman was her ideal role model. Though being seriously handicapped by polio, he had never given in and became a shining star. Barbara was his true fan. Marita and Hans- Michael recall his concerts in Cologne and London where they went with Barbara and meeting him backstage. That was the moment of enthusiasm and happiness for Barbara. Maybe because of her special love for classical music, quite unusual then in her class, Barbara had only a few but true friends. She never tried to be “everybody’s darling” and didn’t mind being on her own spending her free time on reading and sometimes also daydreaming. Graciously, her parents gave her the space to do so. Barbara always liked all kinds of animals. As a schoolgirl, for instance, she spent her pocket-money on buying food for a neglected cat in her neighborhood. That was the time when her special love for cats developed. During her holidays in Mediterranean countries, she usually fed stray cats and dogs. She just could not stand suffering of any creatures and would do all that was possible to help them.
From an epitome of respect and forgiveness as an individual to set the standard for highest family values and sincerity, to love for her spouse, Barbara was leading the world by example. With a mission to unite the world through the language of music, she was engaged in performing concerts all over the world. Not caring about the credit, or any leadership position, she drew satisfaction from her contribution as a violin player and performer as part of a larger orchestra team. From a chance meeting in Switzerland end of July 2017, Barbara became a mentor and contributor for the manuscript of ‘One World: One Nation,’. It is unfortunate that she left for her heavenly abode on Nov 06, 2017, after an accident on Oct 03, 2017 that left her in an unconscious state from which she could never recover, leaving behind family and friends in mourning. In just this short period, she contributed significant enabling thoughts for global unification. While the spiritual highway is endless, in her words, ‘we have to think of our finiteness – only the knowledge about limitation of life forces us to go on. Filling our life with sense. This is what we should always keep in mind.’
On Nov 6th, 2017, Barbara dissolved herself into vast emptiness of the universe. Her music became reverberation all across the universe in silence of the stars, rumbling of the leaves, chirping of the birds, waves of the ocean, and water falling on the rocks. Her life experiences, thoughts, and goodness of the heart crystallized as a beacon of divine light that is shining throughout the universe and is always there to guide everyone. She is the secret hand, writing the inspiring words, an invisible coach, mentor, a life companion guide, and best friend sitting next to you, and talking to you as the voice from within. If we were to emulate Barbara, we would behave with others as we wished them to behave with us. We would not criticize, but accept the situation, and lead by example to take action that makes a difference. We would not have the double standards to comment at what others do and justify what we do. We would stand up for what is right, call out what is wrong, and put our best efforts forward to fight the injustice and be the voice for those who have none. Barbara was born as ‘collective consciousness of the universe,’ and departed as ‘collective forgiveness of the universe.’ A request for everyone is to follow Barbara’s birthday (March 19) as ‘the birth of humanity,’ and her martyrdom day (Nov 6th) as ‘the day of forgiveness.’