The Declaration of Interdependence

We, people of the world, as global citizens of planet earth, hereby resolve to resist all attempts at war, hatred, jealousy, assault or discrimination. As partners in a pursuit to create permanent peace, we shall participate in efforts that promote understanding, respect, love, joy, and harmony between us.

We shall care for the environment of our planet in every manner and recycle all that is possible. We shall adapt to a lifestyle that is in harmony with nature. We shall create and use new methods and ways of doing business that build global cooperation and interdependence among communities. We shall make effective use of research in science, technology, art, agriculture, medicine and all fields of music, sports, literature, and knowledge to alleviate the suffering of humanity. We shall coexist peacefully with all the life on our planet.

We would collectively engage in developing and implementing a new system and curriculum for education that would support building peace and trust among people of the world by creating interdisciplinary fields of research that tap the resource of skills and expertise of different communities and cultures.

We shall all work together towards permanent eradication of sorrow, ignorance, disease, suffering, hunger, and violence from our mother planet. We all respect the Mother Earth as a single Nation to which we belong as Citizens of the World.


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